Blogging from A to Z Challenge


While looking for an April photo-a-day challenge that looked like fun to so on my Instagram account, I came across the A to Z Blog Challenge.  What is the challenge you ask? Basically every day in April (except for Sundays) you post a blog with the subject focus being a letter of the alphabet. Starting with April 1st being for the letter A, you continue on through the month skipping over Sundays.


The cool thing is that no matter what the subject matter of your blog, you can take this challenge. My blog being about relationships, I will correspond each letter with a relationship related topic. The goal is for each post to be around 100 words. As I just found out about it shortly before the deadline to sign up, sadly most reading this may be too late to take this particular blog challenge this year. Here are the rules and the signup information: However, this isn’t the only blog challenge out there. Do your research and find a future challenge you may be interested in or start your own. If you do start your own challenge, please leave a comment here and I’ll look into being apart of your challenge as well. The A to Z Challenge has been around for 3 years now and seems to be pretty popular. Click here for the blog hop list for 2013. To give you an indication of how many blogs are participating thus far, this blog is number 1604. All may not start, keep with it long or finish but this is an interesting challenge nonetheless and I accept!! I hope you enjoy the content I come up with during the challenge. As always, I encourage you to share your experience or debate mine!! Wish me luck. 😉