Ask Sha’ re Joint Accounts

Question: Should I and my fiancé combine our bank accounts and only have accounts in both of our name?

Answer: The answer may be deeper than you think. Some people (mostly women) think that once you are married that you share and combine everything. Some even get upset, even to the point of feeling betrayed if you have a Netflix account that they can’t access. There are those people (mostly men) who feel that just because you’re married that you do not have to give up individual aspects of your life. These people see no reason to share everything as long as they are sharing their life. Problem with that thought is the aforementioned type of person may feel having individual anything is NOT sharing your life. I think the best answer is you need to discuss this in more detail with your fiancé. See where she stands and if you don’t agree then discuss your reasons. If no one can be swayed to the other side, then come up with a compromise. It seems as simple as a bank account but it can leave you saying…..”everything was great just yesterday, what happened?” SUCH IS LIFE.

Ask Sha’ re Nice Guys

Question: I’m tired of trying and starting not to care. Do nice guys really always finish last?

Answer:  Maybe as a “nice guy” you are giving more than is being invested in you in return. You simply have to qualify the people in your life for what you have to give of yourself.  Those special things about you aren’t meant to go to everyone or just any one.  Also as a “nice guy” be sure you aren’t romanticizing situations to be what you’d like them to be versus what they really are (i.e. just because you want a girlfriend doesn’t mean every girl that interacts with you is willing to be your girlfriend).