Reflections on my participation in the 2013 A to Z Blog Challenge


I am so glad I happened upon this blog challenge. I found it while searching for an Instagram April 2013 photo-a-day challenge I wanted to participate in for fun. This challenge has really made me dig in and think about my chosen subject matter for this blog. I started off strong. I took the calendar and wrote in suggested topics all centered around relationships in each block for every letter. In the beginning, I even blogged ahead for a few posts. As the challenge progressed and life started to interfere, I wasn’t able to blog ahead but I did blog daily.  Sometimes I even stayed up past my bedtime just to get my blog in for the day. Toward the end I got behind due to a grueling schedule for the weekend of the 26th to the 28th. I got caught up and even submitted my last blog entry on the last day of April. I enjoyed exploring my personal experiences, as well as the feedback from others. In the coming months I will compile my posts into an eBook entitled The ABC’s of Relationships.  This experience has been one that has made me grow as a writer.

Another benefit is that I now follow some awesome bloggers I may not have discovered if it weren’t for our participation in the challenge. I doesn’t hurt that I gained more than a few followers as well. I hope I can continue to peak their interest, even if it isn’t daily. I wish it were a quarterly challenge but as it stands, I’ll have to wait until next year. Who knows, maybe I’ll even come up with my own blog challenge and invite my fellow bloggers to join me.

I am proud to be a survivor of the 2013 A to Z Blog Challenge.  Fellow AtoZ’ers, tell me about some of your challenges and experiences with the challenge.

14 comments on “Reflections on my participation in the 2013 A to Z Blog Challenge

  1. I found your blog through the A to Z Challenge, and I’m now a follower! Your deadpan delivery of real-life relationship advice is refreshing.

    I agree that I wish it were a quarterly challenge. I’d love to participate in another challenge if you come up with one!

  2. Congratulations on making it though! When you’ve got the e-book ready to go, let us know and we can schedule you to do a guest post at the A to Z Blog so you can promote the book and brag about the Challenge.


    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

  3. Pingback: The ABC’s of Relationships…the eBook | STFU For A Better Relationship

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